Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mi Familia

Sorry for the delay.
I've been enjoying the fun and the sun in Texas. It was a great trip. Short and sweet. I love my family. I truly do. I never realized how much, until I moved away from them.

From the early start in my career I decided I wanted to be a reporter or anchor on the news. And being that I was brand new in the profession I had to move to a very small market. I was stuck in small cities far away from family. My "new" family was the people I worked with...Other lonely young people in far away lands. I kept in touch with friends that were together, but my journey was a different one. This was hard but it allowed me to remain focused on my professional goals.

I don't mind being so far away. Sure, during the holidays I feel some emptiness. I wish I could cruise over and get a home cooked meal with my mom or dad. I never got to use my parents for free laundry when I was in college, or watch a Vikings game with my dad. With my family we do what we can. I am a firm believer in hand written notes, and phone calls on Sundays. When we are away from eachother we stay close with phone calls, text messages, or email. And every few months I itch to get close to them--so I book a plane ticket and get to spend quality time with my brother, his kids...my sister and her family and so on. Most of my friends have a parent or sibling that is a mere car ride away. I never realized how much I envy this.

We are all complex beings. We get along and don't get along. There are kids and a matriarch. We laugh, and tell stories. No matter how far we are its a simple hug that brings us back together.

I'm one of the few in my family with no kids. So its also amazing to look into the eyes of these little impressionable souls that call you "Auntie Kelly". The excitement they have when you enter a room, or sit next to them and read. Its like no other feeling I have ever had before. My nephew, Layson asked "Who are you?" I said "I'm auntie Kelly" he answered without even missing a beat "Hi Auntie Kelly....I missed you when you were gone..." I missed him (and all of them) too.


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